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Writer's pictureJohanna Karlström

Why do you do what you do?

You are controlled by your values, which are like benchmarks for everything you do. BUT your values might not be what you think they are.

If we live according to our values it brings us a lot of good energy, but if we don’t it can be bad for our mental and physical well-being.

Many people live by others' values and forget to learn about their own.

If you feel passionate about something or are in a state of flow when you do something, that could be a clue to a value of yours.

The problem with values is that they don’t always mirror what we choose to do.

If you have heard from your parents, or society since growing up that a certain type of behaviour, occupation or way of living is desired, you will try to live up to that.

Let's say your value is love.

Your occupation is to sell products that you don't believe in, to people that don't need them.

You will feel pretty bad.

It is often people live like this for many years, for some, their whole life.

What stops them is often a point in life when the mind and/or body have had enough.

When we have a lot of negative emotions, it acidifies our body which are seeds of diseases.

So, just take a minute and ask yourself the following questions -->

  • When do you feel at your best?

  • What do you think is important?

  • Why do you think that is important?

  • What does what you do on a daily basis give you?

When you figure out what your values are, and start to live by them you will notice they attract certain types of job roles or employment, that will fit your values.

Often the company that hires you has similar values, so you are a great resource for them as well.

You will also attract a lifestyle and behaviours that are more sustainable for your health and well-being.

It is never too late to learn more about yourself and start figuring out what your values are.


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